While there are many resources on the internet to inform (or entertain) folks interested in prepping, disaster preparedness, and self sustainability; we have found that the redundancy of having information on hand, and not dependent on access to the internet, key and have built a library of books we like and recommend. Below you'll find non-fiction resources plus our favorite prepping and prepping-adjacent fiction.
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Non-Fiction and Reference Books
We've found these to be helpful for a variety of reasons - home repair, disaster preparedness, food preparation and preservation, and entertainment.
General Resources
Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide by Sean Brodrick
Tom Brown’s Field Guide to City and Suburban Survival by Tom Brown, Jr.
Complete Joy of Home Brewing by Charlie Papazian
Homesteading & Livestock
The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery
Butchering by Adam Danforth
A Veterinary Guide for Animal Owners by C.E. Spaulding
Chickens in Your Backyard by Gail Damerow and Rick Luttmann
The Biggle Poultry Book by Jacob Biggle
Homestead Tracker & Planner by Sarah M Adams
Medical & First Aid
The Survival Medicine Handbook by Joseph and Amy Alton
Culpepper's Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpepper
The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook by James Green
Our Favorite Fiction
As a family we enjoy reading and are thrilled to share some of our favorites here.
Post-Apocalyptic Novels
The Borrowed World Series by Franklin Horton
The Mad Mick by Franklin Horton
Until the End of the World by Sarah Lyons Fleming
Lights Out by David Crawford
Dies the Fire by S.M. Stirling
Other Favorites
The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie
For Kids & Young Adults
Pawn of Prophecy (The Belgariad) by David Eddings