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Food. Water. Shelter. Security. Energy. Hygiene/First Aid.


These are the basic needs that need to be met every day — but most of us are dependent upon systems beyond our control to supply them for us. We also know that those systems have and will again fail. So, if we know we need them, why not plan ahead and prepare? Have extra on hand. Provide a means of getting more. Develop the skills. 




We all need to eat. Daily. Starting with your food preps and building from there is a good way to ease into preparedness and quickly build in necessary redundancies without having to spend a lot of time or money.



One gallon. Per person. Per day.

As important as food is, you can only live three to four days without access to clean drinking water. Water is an easy thing to acquire and store. It is cheap and available; fill your own using clean, food-grade, plastic containers.

Glasses of Water
White Wooden House



All locations are not created equal. Your location will determine what type of disaster is more likely, what services will be available in the aftermath, and the potential risks to your home during that emergency. A disaster that is catastrophic in one setting, may have very little effect in another.



Energy. Power. Technology. Much of our modern-day life is inextricably tied to the energy systems - no power equals no internet therefore no money and no communications. Ways to reduce dependency on the systems that currently provide energy include batteries, solar, generators and wind.

Solar Panels on Roof
Security Guard with Dog


Safety / Security

Safety and Security involve many technical skills: personal defense, weapons, firearms, and first aid. Almost all require some degree of initial training, and then continuing education to maintain proficiency. Simply being aware of your environment and actions is also a big part of staying safe, and an easy place to start.


Hygiene/First Aid

Minor cuts and scrapes happen from time to time. In a long-term disaster/collapse situation, a minor wound–if neglected–could become deadly. Having the ability to clean and dress even minor wounds goes a long way in preventing infection and being prepared.


Check out what we have in our First Aid Kits HERE

First Aid Kit
Sorry Board Game



Bored people do stupid things. What do you have available for downtime? How will you keep the kids occupied? Do you have activities that can be done in the evening, without power?

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